On the question of construction of the mathematical model of components the orientation system based on the cardanic suspension
inclinometer, ferroprobe, rezolver, mathematical model, an errorAbstract
Purpose. An important component of the system of spatial orientation of the drilling tool is the inclinometer, which senses the change in the measured parameter. The designs of the inclinometer sensors designed to measure the azimuth a, the zenith angle q and the angle of installation of the deflector φ of the directional, horizontal, vertical wells are very diverse. The aim of this work is to construct a mathematical model of an inclinometer sensor based on cardanic suspension, as a component of the system of spatial orientation, taking into account instrumental errors. Methodology. Improving the technical characteristics of inclinometers (increasing their accuracy, controlling the movement of the projectile through the well and during drilling, reducing the diameter of the projectile, expanding the operating temperature range) is possible on the basis of the use of ferroprobs in them as sensitive elements of the Earth's magnetic field. A widespread kinematic scheme of the azimuth sensors of the inclinometer with linear ferro-probes is a circuit based on cardanic suspension. The problem of constructing a mathematical model of an inclinometer sensor based on cardanic suspension is solved, as a component of the system of spatial orientation, taking into account instrumental errors. Findings. It is established that the error in measuring azimuth when using an inclinometer sensor based on cardanic suspension does not exceed if the instrumental errors do not exceed the limits: It is proved that the magnetic inclination has a significant influence on the accuracy of the azimuth measurement. A mathematical model of an inclinometer with a cardanic suspension is developed as a component of the orientation system in which new formulas are used to find the functional dependencies between the angles of inclination relative to the vertical and the rotation relative to the magnetic meridian in the range of orientation angles. Originality. A method for determining the angles of the orientation of the drilling tool has been developed, in which new formulas for calculating the error from the non-identity of the technical characteristics of primary converters have been used, which has made it possible to increase the accuracy of measurements by means of its preliminary determination and compensation. Practical value. The carried out theoretical researches allow to develop a technique for determining the errors of primary converters, which leads to improved metrological characteristics of inclinometer instruments and to an increase in the accuracy of measurements of the angles of spatial orientation.References
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