Parametric failure during the work item performance process
scheduling plan, organizational and technological reliability, intensity of work, riskAbstract
Formulation of the problem. In the construction industry, the process of work item performing is affected by a set of destabilizing external and internal factors. The qualification level of employees, the state of labor discipline, the level of internal self-organization etc. It is important to apply compensatory measures, otherwise there is a high probability that planned indicators will not be achieved. An influence of these factors is objective, therefore it is extremely difficult to predict their appearance, and also the "strength" of their destabilizing effect on the work performance regime. In these conditions, a significant role belongs to the management process of this work, it’s effectiveness depends on the ability to predict the occurrence of risk factors. The purpose of the article is to increase the level of work performance reliability due to the maximum possible prolongation of the work period in a working condition, before the appearance of mass failures. Conclusions. The legitimacy of using of terms “parametric failure” and “time to failure”, which are widely used in the technical systems reliability theory for assessing the performance of organizational and technological systems is proved. It is found out that time to failure before the appearance of mass failures depends on the given work performance reliability and standard deviation in the distribution of work performance intensity by a specific performer. Building organization production departments work analysis showed a significant dependence of time to failure on the variation coefficient of the monthly workloads intensity, calculated in accordance with annual program data. It is adjusted that slack time leads to the increase of time to failure; this allows influencing the efficiency level of work item at the expense of organizational measures, while developing construction scheduling plans.References
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