System engineering evaluation of organizational and technological solutions.


  • N. A. Dankevich Applicant, Senior Lecturer. Chairs of PGS, Ukraine


assessment, tech nology, solutions.


The transition of the country's economy to civilized relations with the development of various forms of ownership requires a change in the approach to assessing the development and adoption of organizational and technological solutions. In conditions of a market economy, the requirements for design, construction and reconstruction of objects have considerably increased. Therefore, it is necessary to develop models and methods that take into account the influence of risk on the justification and choice of organizational and technological solutions, to make adjustments in them that would allow for "entry" and "exit" in the context of linking them with models of risk management, in particular, in the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures.

Author Biography

N. A. Dankevich, Applicant, Senior Lecturer. Chairs of PGS

Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy


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