Basic regularities of the law of the moment characteristics of the accompanying information signals of the technological process of drilling
identification, signals, technological process of drilling, diagnostics, technological and technical parameters, operating states, drilling complexesAbstract
Purpose. To reveal the internal nonlinear stochastic connections of technological and technical parameters of drilling complexes through the information characteristics of the accompanying signals of the technological process of drilling, that allows to increase the accuracy of the diagnostics of operational states of drilling complexes to form optimal control influences. Methods. Methods of moment identification are applied for the study and that stipulates determination of the hidden nonlinear stochastic connections of technological and technical parameters with different operating modes and the state of drilling complexes. Results and novelty .The dependences of the technological parameters of the mechanical speed of the drilling with diamond crowns on the consumption of the flushing fluid, the dependences of the technological parameter of the speed of drilling with diamond crowns on the rotation speed of the drill bits and diamond tools, the dependences of the technological parameter of the mechanical speed of drilling with diamond crowns on the parameters of the loading on the drill bits and diamond tools, dependences of the technical parameter of driving on the diamond crowns on the consumption of the flushing fluid, dependences of the technical parameter of driving on the diamond crown on the ring rotation speed of the drill bits and diamond tools. Practical Value. Determination and analysis of the specified conditional-moment characteristics of technological and technical parameters of the process of drilling with diamond crowns allows us to set a number of information regularities and that reveals internal linear and nonlinear connections between the basic parameters in different operating modes of drilling complexes. This expands and deepens the information provision of the automated control systems for the technological processes of drilling complexes and leads to an increase in the accuracy and reliability of the definition of the operational technological and technical states of the latter and thus improves the efficiency of the automation of the process of control of driving the boreholes accordingly.References
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