Mathematical modeling for air-water system autonomous heat supply
mathematical modelling, combined air-water system of autonomous heat supply, tube gas heaters, hydraulic circuit, building structuresAbstract
Purpose. Actual is the combination of several autonomous heat supply systems. This article is devoted to the development of a mathematical model for such a combined air-water system of autonomous heat supply. Methodology. A well-known system for heating water in a volume with a free surface, such heating can be carried out in tubular air-water heaters. Further development of autonomous heat supply systems with tubular gas heaters (TGN) is a system of TGN located in building structures. The system of autonomous heat supply with tubular gas heaters located in construction constructions for air heating is developed. To increase the efficiency of heat supply, a mixed air-water system of autonomous heat supply with tubular gas heaters in building structures has been developed. Findings. A mathematical model of the hydraulic and thermal regimes of the air-water system of autonomous heat supply, which is presented in the form of ordinary differential equations, is developed. It is based on the equations of conservation of mass, motion and energy for the mobile coolant-the gas-air mixture inside the pipe, the heat transfer equation in the middle of the construction structure, as well as the heat transfer equations from the external surface of the heater to the heated medium and the algebraic equations of Kirchhoff's laws. Due to the use of the water coolant and the circulation of the air coolant in the network, it is possible in the heat supply system to have a coolant relative to a low temperature with high efficiency of using thermal energy. Originality. The mathematical model of the air-water system of autonomous heat supply is developed, which includes the differential equations for tubular gas heaters in the construction design and for tubular gas heaters in the water space. Practical value. The air-water system of autonomous heat supply contributes to the expansion of the scope of tubular heaters and, with low capital expenditures, can provide heating of premises. For qualitative design of such systems it is necessary to develop a mathematical model of its hydraulic and thermal modes.References
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