Approaches to assess information load of a train dispatcher


  • V. Kuznetsov Department of Field Operation Management, Educational institution "The Belarusian State University of Transport", Kirova str., 34, 246653, Gomel, Belarus
  • D. Zakharov Department of Information and Mathematical Support of Transport Systems", Educational institution "The Belarusian State University of Transport", Kirova str., 34, 246653, Gomel, Belarus


information, train controller, modeling


Purpose. Due to establishment of Operational Control Centre on Belarusian railways the specifics of the work of traffic controller has changed, which led to the change of the principles of this job. The distinctive feature of the work of a traffic controller is the ability to perceive and process a considerable amount of information, quick decision-making, initiation of commands and verification of their fulfillment. The information burden on a train controller increases when there is an unscheduled change in a train table or in the event of abnormal situations.  In other extreme situations a train controller has to perform several operations simultaneously, which requires to strain a visual sensory system and an acoustic analyzer, focus attention significantly and use short-term and long-term memory. To solve the optimization problem of the train controllers responsibilities it is reasonable to calculate the amount of information received and processed by the train controller depending on the nature of the operations during the work unit.  This article aims to validate the methods that determine information load on the train controller depending on the actual situation on the section of the railway. The following factors are taken into consideration: an assessment of the occurrence of abnormal situations, the influence of operational and psychophysiological factors and limitations based on the application of simulation modeling. Methods. There are three main theories that evaluate the information received by a train controller, which study this  information from different perspectives: statistical, semantic and structural. Statistical measure of information allows to link the probability of occurrence of each of the information messages and the amount of information in operator management. The semantic theory is used to calculate the amount of information circulating in the system of operator management and allows to take into consideration such a characteristic as the value of received information.  In the system of operator management by using structural measure it is possible to determine the volume of information flow circulating among employees of the operation personnel.  To obtain reliable results of information load of train controller it’s essential to have a model with a high level of specification, which reflects the state dynamics of engineering elements and which takes into account the following factors: nonuniformity of motion of trains on the section of the railway; amount of the train movements; the speed of trains; the stopping time at the stations; possible delays in train movement; arrival of trains from other sections of railway; Standard Operating Procedures for stations on the arrival and departure of trains.. Results. The expediency of the calculation methods of the information processed by the train controller has been proved taking into account the abnormal situations for the time interval of interest. These methods will allow you to assess the level of the information load of the train controller with optimal management of train movement on the section of the railway.. Scientific novelty. The methods of calculation of the information load on the train controllers. Practical significance. The application of the proposed methodology, depending on the nature of actual operations, will help to identify the information load on train controllers and to work out measures for improvement of working conditions.

Author Biographies

V. Kuznetsov, Department of Field Operation Management, Educational institution "The Belarusian State University of Transport", Kirova str., 34, 246653, Gomel

Ph.D., Associate Professor

D. Zakharov, Department of Information and Mathematical Support of Transport Systems", Educational institution "The Belarusian State University of Transport", Kirova str., 34, 246653, Gomel

Master of Engineering, senior lecturer


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Computer systems and information technologies in education, science and management