Use of information technologies in the problems of defectoscopy of multilayer constructions
information technologies, computer modeling, multilayer structure, composite materials, non-destructive testing, defectoscopy, interferometry, infrared testingAbstract
Purpose of the research is the development of measuring technologies for testing multi-layer structures made from composite materials. The object of research is computer models of objects and their images when applying thermal and optical testing methods. The relevance and practical inportance of the study is due to the extensive use of composite materials in high-tech areas, which are characterized by the active introduction of new materials and the lack of serial production. The scientific novelty of the research is that the evaluation of the testing results reliability is carried out at the stage of measuring technology development. To solve this problem, it was proposed to use the combination of experimental and calculated data obtained with the help of modern methods of computer simulation of a stress-strain state under different loading conditions. Taking into consideration the constructive and mechanical properties of a particular design makes it possible to ensure high reliability of the testing results. The results of computer modeling can be used for machine learning of intelligent nondestructive testing systems.References
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