Problem-solving in graduation projects – evidence from development of wage design


  • T. V. Zakharova Department of Cars, Educational institution "The Belarusian State University of Transport", Kirova str., 34, 246653, Gomel, Belarus


graduation projects, problem tasks, wage design


Purpose. One of the most important tasks of higher education is improving the quality of employment training and developing competencies of a future professional The competence of future professionals depends largely on the knowledge and skills that students have received during their studies, practical training and doing diploma projects. The students majoring in transport perform graduation projects on design improvement of cars under the guidance of a teacher; as a result they acquire theoretical and practical skills in their specialty. Future professionals should make their own decisions, take responsibility for the development of new designs of railway cars and their components, analyze and think outside the box, as well as  consider the ideas suggested by other authors and make use of the latest scientific and technical achievements. The necessity of preparation of competent highly qualified professionals in the field of railway transport who are able to solve challenges of carriage building determines the demand for improvements of higher technical education. The aim of this work is to present techniques of solving some problematic tasks by the example of implementation of diploma projects by the students specializing in carriages. Methodology. Offering a challenge on design development of carriages teachers make students think creatively and, if necessary, extend their knowledge. Using the elements of problem-based learning, teachers make the process of project implementation more creative. Self-guided work of  diploma students with the information resources of the Internet, literary sources and patent materials can help to develop their creative abilities. In the process of searching for new ideas different methods can be applied such as heuristic or algorithmic methods: the method of basic questions, brainstorming, analogue method, etc. Only problem-based learning methods, the ability to choose the key points, spacious mind, creative initiative of the student systematic accumulation of knowledge, skills and abilities will allow a graduate to become a qualified specialist. The method iss based on stimulating the power of apprehension and creative abilities of students. Results. Setting problem tasks before diploma students helps enrich their knowledge, improve assimilability, develop creative abilities and essential working skills.. Originality Some issues of problem solving have been considered during the execution of graduation projects on design development of cars. Practical significance. Positive results in problem solving promote students' positive attitude to further learning and self-improvement, development of creative initiatives which positively influence the training of students specializing in carriages; they are able to apply their knowledge in practice and constantly improve their professional level.

Author Biography

T. V. Zakharova, Department of Cars, Educational institution "The Belarusian State University of Transport", Kirova str., 34, 246653, Gomel

Ph.D., Associate Professor


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Computer systems and information technologies in education, science and management