Modeling of vibrational processes by means of the theory of elastic wave distribution


  • N. M. Ershova Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology. State Higher Educational Establishment "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture", 24-a, Chernyshevsky, 49600, Dnipr, Ukraine
  • I. A. Bondarenko Department "Path and track economy". Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan. ul. Lazaryan, 2, 49005, Dniep, Ukraine


modeling, parameters of the oscillating process of the "crew-way" system, deformability of the path, wave propagation


The Purpose of the authors of the article is to expand the possibilities of obtaining information on the deformation of railroad track construction elements under the dynamic load of the rolling stock and to determine the parameters of the oscillating process of the "crew-way" system. Modern approaches to the assessment of these oscillatory processes study only the variations in the presence of roughness of the railway track and do not take into account the deformability of the railway track, which does not allow for the dynamics of the physical process of oscillations. There arises the need to formulate the basic concept of considering this issue using the basic principles of the theory of propagation of elastic waves, in order to obtain later dependences of the parameters of the oscillating process of the "crew-path" system. Methodology. To achieve the goal, the principles of the theory of elasticity and propagation of the wave process are used in describing the interaction of the track and the rolling stock. Findings.  The basic physico-constructive conditions are established, on the basis of which it is necessary to carry out the modeling of the life cycle of the elements of the railway track for studying the parameters of the oscillating process of the "crew-way" system. Originality. The study of the issues of dynamic loading of the railway path motivates the development of new models that allow us to consider the oscillating process of the "crew-way" system. There is a need to determine the basic physico-constructive conditions for the compilation of design schemes on the basis of which it is possible to estimate and predict the change in the parameters of the oscillatory process, taking into account the change in the state of the path under the dynamic load of the rolling stock. The basic physical-constructive principles of computation of computational schemes of railroad track elements are offered in the work, when considering the four-dimensional space: volume changes in time. Practical value. Analytical models applied in determining the parameters of strength and resistance lines, fully satisfy the task, but cannot be used to determine the parameters of track reliability. One of the main impossibility factors of these models is quasidynamic approach. Therefore, as a rule, receive and examine not only dynamic process of a railway track, but also its consequences. Besides, these models are related to flat ones, and it also adds some complexity in results comparing with an experiment, as well as the process is not easy to distinguish the impact of volume in its limited parts. The use of numerical methods extend the posibilities, and it also make it impossible for the consideration of the dynamic process, as well as it is impossible to introduce processes, causing the reaction to stress load. Thus the basic physical and constructive approaches in modeling make it possible to consider the dynamic process of localized both in time and in space directly.

Author Biographies

N. M. Ershova, Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology. State Higher Educational Establishment "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture", 24-a, Chernyshevsky, 49600, Dnipr

Dr. Sc. (Tech), prof.

I. A. Bondarenko, Department "Path and track economy". Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan. ul. Lazaryan, 2, 49005, Dniep

Dr. Sc. (Tech), associate professor


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Computer systems and information technologies in education, science and management