Principal reasons and methods of analysis of indexes of production traumatism of


  • S. P. Dmitryuk Department of life safety, State higher educational institution "Dnipropetrovsk state agrarian and economical University", Sergeiu Efremova str. 25, m. Dnipro, 49600, Ukraine
  • S. G. Hodyayev Department of life safety, State higher educational institution "Dnipropetrovsk state agrarian and economical University", Sergeiu Efremova str. 25, m. Dnipro, 49600, Ukraine


analysis methods, occupational injuries, indicators of injuries, branches of production, accident, causes, fatal injuries, types of events


Purpose of work: to consider the dynamics of production and mortal traumatism in Ukraine for 2016-2017 and dynamics of the most dangerous industries of production. To consider the methods of analysis of production traumatism and profzakhvoryuvan'. To consider principal reasons of production traumatism and conduct the analysis of indexes of production traumatism on the Dnepropetrovsk area for 2014-2016, on the basis of analysis to develop measures on the improvement of terms of labour. Method: An analysis of accidents on the productions of Ukraine is one of basic and necessary ways of development of mechanisms of prophylaxis and prevention of traumatism. Consequently, only after determination of the state of safety of labour in industry, on a production, objective exposure of the real reasons of that or other accident and conformities to law of his origin and the real possibilities appear for the effective search of ways of activation of prophylactic work and decline of traumatism. Results: the most of accidents is incorporated in the Dnepropetrovsk area (374). Growth of amount of industrial accidents took place also in: m. Kyiv – on 99 cases, or on 56,3%, to the Donetsk area – on a 31 case, or on 9,4%, to the Lviv area – on 29 cases, or on 20,4%, to the Zaporozhia area – on a 21 case, or on 14,8%, to the Zakarpattya area – on 15 cases, or in 2,4 times, to the Odesa area – on 14 cases, or on 22,6% ? to the Kirovohrad area – on 13 cases, or on 31,0%, Ivano-Frankivsk, Poltava, Khmel'nickiy and Tcherkasy areas – on 12 cases, or on 44,4%, 14,8%, 24,5%, 29,3% accordingly, to the Zhytomyr area – on 11 cases, or on 19,6%, to the Sumskiy area – on 7 cases, or on 14,9 %,. Scientific novelty: The analysis of industrial injuries is based on the criterion of accidents related to production, and does not take into account the type of economic activity during which the accident occurred. To the base of accidents, which are used to analyze the injury, do not include cases that occurred as a result of the impact on the injured harmful and dangerous production factor and recognized as such, that they are not related to the production (first of all, they are accidents that happened to drivers who are found guilty of a traffic accident, or persons brought to work on the terms of civil contracts). Practical significance: priority directions of work in the field of labor protection have been determined.

Author Biographies

S. P. Dmitryuk, Department of life safety, State higher educational institution "Dnipropetrovsk state agrarian and economical University", Sergeiu Efremova str. 25, m. Dnipro, 49600

senior lect.

S. G. Hodyayev, Department of life safety, State higher educational institution "Dnipropetrovsk state agrarian and economical University", Sergeiu Efremova str. 25, m. Dnipro, 49600

Cand. Sc., associate Professor


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Computer systems and information technologies in education, science and management