Multimedia – technologies at the foreign language classes at the university of transport


  • N. A. Grishankova Department of Slavic and Romano-Germanic Languages, Belarusian State University of Transport, Kirova str., 34, 246653, Gomel, Belarus


information and communication technologies, computer technologies, foreign language environment, multimedia means, innovative technologies in teaching, Internet resources.


Purpose. The purpose of this abstract is consideration of issues of organizing the process of teaching foreign languages at higher educational establishments  with the use of modern computer technologies; study of the significance of the using modern computer technologies in the process of teaching foreign languages; consideration of the advantages of the modern language laboratory compared to traditional means of teaching. Methodology. The use of information and communication technologies is the main purpose of intensive methods of teaching foreign languages in the higher education system for the selected profile. The relationship of these methods of teaching and modern realities in the society as well as the necessity of finding new methods of teaching that can be applied to modern advances on the Internet and communication sphere are specified. It should be remembered that although the use of a computer increases students̕ motivation and the graphic image, colour, sound help keep students̕  attention and have a positive effect on the learning process, it is recommended to alternate this work with other types of work. A set of exercises in a foreign language using a computer is very diverse – ranging from elementary fill the gaps to complex language tasks. Findings. The abstract identifies possible areas of using modern computer technologies in the process of teaching foreign languages and defines the role of multimedia technologies in organizing students̕  independent work (mostly extracurricular) when learning a foreign language in high school (for non-linguistic specialities). It is established that the use of multimedia language laboratory enables the teacher to diversify forms and methods of teaching, distribute learning material more efficiently, create conditions for individual and differentiated learning, provide high motivation for learning. Originality. It is identified that the combination of traditional methods of teaching foreign languages and modern information technologies enables the teacher to balance the learning process considering the individual characteristics of students, use the personality-oriented approach, provide a higher level of learning material. It is determined that the use of multimedia language laboratory opens excellent opportunities for teachers taking a creative approach to conducting classes. Practical value.  Implementation of the goals will increase oral practice for each student (students can talk simultaneously without interfering with each other or perform tasks in parallel); save class time (a teacher can collect students̕  recordings and listen to); create conditions for individual and differentiated learning (students can be divided into groups according to their level of language training); increase the amount of independent work; overcome personal and psychological barriers of communication (students can demonstrate knowledge of material without the need for everyone to speak to a group). The use of computer capabilities when learning a foreign language allows students to  self- assess their role after analyzing mistakes in sound articulation and intonation; provide high motivation of  learning (students with interest receive the information supported with image and sound; some phonetic exercises can be done and checked using presentations and audio presentations).

Author Biography

N. A. Grishankova, Department of Slavic and Romano-Germanic Languages, Belarusian State University of Transport, Kirova str., 34, 246653, Gomel

Cand. Sc. (Philology), associate professor


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Computer systems and information technologies in education, science and management