Bearing ability, stiffness and deformability of gypsum-concrete elements reinforced by the adhesion of external reinforcement


  • A. M. Bambura State Enterprise "State Research Institute of Building Structures", Kiev, Ukraine., Ukraine
  • O. M. Perlova State Enterprise "State Research Institute of Building Structures", Kiev, Ukraine., Ukraine


deformation, reinforcement, armature.


The materials of the article are devoted to the development of a method for calculating the bearing capacity, strength, stiffness and deformability of reinforced concrete bending elements reinforced by gluing external reinforcement, based on real diagrams of deformation of concrete and reinforcement.

Author Biographies

A. M. Bambura, State Enterprise "State Research Institute of Building Structures", Kiev, Ukraine.

Государственное предприятие «Государственный научно-исследовательский институт строительных конструкций», г. Киев, Украина.

O. M. Perlova, State Enterprise "State Research Institute of Building Structures", Kiev, Ukraine.

Государственное предприятие «Государственный научно-исследовательский институт строительных конструкций», г. Киев, Украина.


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Innovative lifecycle technology of housing and civil, industrial and transportation purposes