Ecological problems of heat supply of the reed area of ​​Sevastopol


  • N. B. Avramenko National Academy of Nature Protection and Resort Construction, Ukraine
  • Z. D. Sapronova National Academy of Nature Protection and Resort Construction, Ukraine


Ecology, Problems, thermal expansion.


The scheme of autonomous heat supply of the Kamyshi region is proposed with the use of three types of autonomous heat sources and several variants of calculation are performed, differing by the number of boiler houses, their location, the height of buildings and the heights of emission sources. The received results testify, that the least degree of influence on an environment and natural resources is autonomous heat supply.

Author Biographies

N. B. Avramenko, National Academy of Nature Protection and Resort Construction

Национальная академия природоохранного и курортного строительства

Z. D. Sapronova, National Academy of Nature Protection and Resort Construction

Национальная академия природоохранного и курортного строительства


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Innovative lifecycle technology of housing and civil, industrial and transportation purposes