Investigation of reflective capacity of materials with express method for development of effective thermal protective coatings
intensity of thermal radiation, non-destructive testing, measurement of reflectivity, infrared LED, polarization abilityAbstract
Purpose. Selection and enhancement of the measurement capability of domestic instruments used for express methods for estimating the reflectivity of surfaces of heat-shielding means taking into account the variable angle of incidence of radiation, the state of the surface and its polarization ability. Method. Express method of non-destructive testing and assessment of the reflectivity of the surfaces of heat-shielding means taking into account the variable angle of incidence of radiation, the state of the surface and its polarization ability. Results. The shortcomings of the existing express method for estimating the reflectivity of materials with allowance for polarization are revealed and its improvement is improved by improving the measurement capability of the IR emitter and developing an apparatus that allows to evaluate the reflectivity of thermal protection means taking into account the varying angle of incidence of radiation. A special technique has also been developed for selecting the optimal matching of protective equipment against excessive heat radiation, depending on the purpose of thermal protection. By selecting the components of the composite composition, the spectrum of the radiator is completely overlapped, several components of the composite composition can be used for this. The ranges of spectral reflection of components of heat-shielding materials for protection against low and high-temperature sources are determined. Scientific novelty. Improvement of instruments for measuring the radiant component of the heat flux, which made it possible to estimate the intensity of radiation at workplaces not only from direct sources, but also from transformed, secondary sources. Practical meaningfulness. The proposed instrumentation allows measurements of the heat flux intensity from 10 W / m2 and up to 20,000 W / m2 with a spectral capability of measuring from 0.76 μm to 10 μm, resolution of 5 W / m2 with a measurement error of not more than 5%.References
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