The issue of considering the inhomogeneity of the concrete strength of structural elements in complicated concreting conditions
complicated concreting conditions, concrete, technological parameters.Abstract
Abstract.Abstract. The aim is to develop the recommendations of accounting for a possible heterogeneity of the concrete strength due to the complicated conditions of concreting the CFST elements, based on the results of experimental studies. Method. A special technique of experimental studies of concrete strength is developed, it included testing (destructive and nondestructive methods) of concrete cylindrical samples which had been concreted in the composition of structural elements (racks) of different heights, and in the permanent formwork (polyvinyl chloride tube-shell with an internal diameter of 100 mm). During experiment planning, technological concreting parameters (specimen’s height, placeability of concrete mixture and compaction time) were considered as varying parameters in three levels. The research carried out according to Box and Behnken experiment plan of “3/1/15” type. Prior to testing all the long specimens were cut in the pieces of equal height. In this manner, we obtained 90 specimens with h/d ratio of 2. All the specimens manufactured of heavy concrete of the same strength class C 20/25 (fcm,cul=24.18 MPa).Results. We carried out a correlation analyses of the concreting technological parameters influence on the concrete strength of structural elements under complicated concreting conditions by the example of CFST elements.We have discovered a significant data spread on concrete strength along the height of different zones of long specimens. Its average value was about 43% with a variation coefficient of 23 %. We empirically proved that when movable mixtures with the cone slump of 4 – 9 cm used, an overall variation coefficient of concrete strength along the height of CFST elements equals 13% irrespective of its compaction time.Scientific novelty. We justified the necessity of applying the additional partial reliability coefficient of the material (technological coefficient), that would account for the additional (primary and secondary) inhomogeneity of concrete in long CFST elements under the complicated concreting conditions (vertical concrete mixture supplying at the construction site when the diameter of external shell-tube is less than 300 mm) depending on the technological parameters of concrete mixture and regimes of its compaction. Based on the conducted experiments we suggest standardized variability values (variation coefficient) of the unit’s concrete strength for adjustment the average concrete strength value of the batch for manufacturing the CFST racks.Practical significance. We’ve suggested the method of determining the average concrete strength during concrete composition designing at a ferroconcrete plant during the transition from its design class to its average strength (mark). It allows consideration the statistically significant difference between the average concrete strength of control specimens and the average concrete strength of the unit, given that the strength of it’s the weakest zone is guaranteed not less than 95 % of designed value.
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