Investigation of the influence of relief and rock composition on the steadiness of slopes in disadvantageous engineering-geological and seismic conditions


  • P. Z. Menabdishvili Acad. of GEA, Dr. Sc. (Tech) Prof., Georgia


pile, slope stability, method of finite elements, seismic, design model


Abstract. Purpose. At present time the interest of engineers to the problem of assessment of slope stability progressively increases in connection with adoption of mountain-folded regions rich in ore deposits, construction of transport highways, elaboration of quarries of depth up to hundreds meter by the open cut method, development of urban infrastructure. According to world statistic, in present situation, 80% of landslides are connected to engineering-production activities. For the ensuring of the stability and normal operation conditions of structures interacting with landslide slopes, the assessment of the given slope stability considering the landslide generative factors has been necessary. Therefore, in each concrete case the design scheme, corresponding to the land sliding process, should be selected. The purpose of present work is the investigation, using the numerical experiments, of the influence of relief and composition of rocks on the slope stability, considering the buildings under construction and seismic effect. Methodic. Using the method of finite elements (LIRA) the methodic of slope calculation, considering the buildings under construction and seismic effect, is elaborated. The analytical model of uniform system ‘soil massif + foundations + structures under construction’ is proposed. Results. The analysis of results, obtained by the conducted numerical experiments have shown that the preciseness and trustworthiness of calculation directly depends on initial data, obtained by engineering-geological research, therefore, without of full and qualitative engineering investigation the calculation loses the practical sense and results obtained could lead to the accident. At increasing of sandstone content on 15% and 30% in very exhausted and exhausted rocks, the share at first is decreasing, then disappearing at all, therefore in slope stability calculation, the slope calculation model to describe precisely the disposition of soil layers and their geometrical sizes, is necessary. Scientific novelty. Proposed calculation model of uniform system ‘soil massif + foundations + structures under construction’ will allow maximum approximation to the real position: consideration of relief, composition, inclination and physical-mechanical properties of soil; composition, geometry and disposition of foundations; values of loadings, transmitted to the foundations, physical nonlinearity of soils and seismic effect, consideration and assessment of slope deformation mode and stability in uniform system; selection of the optimum versions of foundations for buildings under construction using the numerical experiments. Practical meaning. Comparatively to existing norms and empirical expressions, the use of proposed calculation model will substantially improve the preciseness, trustworthiness and reliability of results of the assessment of influence of new construction on the slope stability.

Author Biography

P. Z. Menabdishvili, Acad. of GEA, Dr. Sc. (Tech) Prof.

Levan Samkharauli National Forensics Bureau. Kiriak Zavriev Center of Structural Mechanics Earthquake Engineering and Expertize. D. Agmashenebeli alley, 10th km, 0131, Tbilisi, Georgia. Phone: +995 599 166882


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