Factors influencing the definition of the design features of renewable sources energy converters


  • L. V. Nakashydze PhD, senior scientific work, Ukraine


renewable energy sources, energy-active fence, geliocollector, air layer, air-conditioning system


Abstract. The purpose of the work is to consider the factors that affect the thermal resistance of structures in the use of elements that contribute to the transformation of solar radiation energy, the heat of the environment in the heat energy required for the consumer. The methodical approach, which is based on a constructive solution, is based on the reduction of heat losses due to the presence of energy-efficient enclosures, while increasing the processability and ease of installation. Results It is suggested to use factors that outline the features of heat transfer in the converters of solar radiation energy and lead to a certain level of microclimate in the premises. These factors include: humidity factors, the temperature difference between the temperature of the outside of the energy-active enclosure (that is, in contact with the external environment), the temperature of the base design in the room. Scientific novelty is in the fact that the proposed main factors allow to optimize the design of energy converters of renewable sources for buildings of different purposes and different conditions of placement. Examples of placement of layers in the designs of such converters in the process of decommissioning as energy-activated fences are given. The practical significance of the use of the proposed factors in the design of a converter of renewable sources contributes to the conservation of traditional energy resources through the rational use of solar energy and can be used in new construction and reconstruction of existing housing stock.

Author Biography

L. V. Nakashydze, PhD, senior scientific work

Dnipro national university named after Oles Gonchar, Gagarina ave, 72, Dnipro, 49050, Ukraine, phone. +38 (056) 373-12-78


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Innovative lifecycle technology of housing and civil, industrial and transportation purposes