Fractal principles in the design of churches in Ukraine


  • A. N. Karpov 
  • N. V. Afanas'ev
  • N. A. Kostyrya
  • V. Yu. Kostyrya
  • Yu. N. Ushakov
  • K. A. Luk'yanenko
  • I. S. Selyukova


Fractal principles, churches, Ukraine.  


In architecture, fractal rules of construction using a limited number of repetitions are used, as well as changing algorithms for their construction, violating strict similarity by introducing various variations, i.e. Quasifractals, multifractal structures (heterogeneous fractal objects are used, for the full description of which it is not enough to introduce just one quantity with its fractal dimension, but a whole spectrum of quantities with different fractal dimensions is necessary; multifractals can be determined not by one single algorithm of construction, but by several successive successive algorithms). The tendency of organic integration of Ukrainian churches into the natural environment, the integration of the natural and anthropogenic landscape is manifested in the similarity of lines, surfaces and forms in architecture and design to natural forms. This trend is clearly expressed in the Art Nouveau style and the "organic" architecture. Widely used at the beginning of the year before. in architecture, plastic, fluid, asymmetric, biomorphic lines, surfaces, flowing vegetative decor, relief images of heads give buildings a resemblance to a living developing organism, imitate the irregularity of natural forms. 

Author Biographies

A. N. Karpov 

KZO "Lyceum with enhanced military-sports training"

N. V. Afanas'ev

KZO "Lyceum with enhanced military-sports training"

N. A. Kostyrya

KZO "Lyceum with enhanced military-sports training"

V. Yu. Kostyrya

KZO "Lyceum with enhanced military-sports training"

Yu. N. Ushakov

KZO "Lyceum with enhanced military-sports training"

K. A. Luk'yanenko

KZO "Lyceum with enhanced military-sports training"

I. S. Selyukova

National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov