Some aspects of the degradation of metal ammonia pipelay toliti-odessa


  • O. V. Lyubimova-Zіnchenko к. т. н., доц., Ukraine


metal degradation, exploitation, accidents


Ammonia pipeline Tolyatti-Odesa has been in operation for more than 30 years. During this time, ammonia tubes made of steel A333 Grade 6 according to the ASTM standard were subjected to numerous corrosion damage, recorded cases of accidents. Taking into account the importance of this pipeline for the chemical industry of Ukraine, the metal pipes of the ammonia pipeline were thoroughly investigated. Currently, there are no common approaches to characterizing metal aging and assessing the degree of degradation of steels after prolonged exploitation in an aggressive environment.

Author Biography

O. V. Lyubimova-Zіnchenko, к. т. н., доц.

Technological Institute of East-Ukrainian National University named after. Volodymyr Dahl 


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov