The possibility of using thermal mark for estimation flow meters in water heating system
thermal mark, water heating system, flow meter, experimental estimation, hydraulic resistances, project managementAbstract
Abstract. Purpose. To determine hydraulic parameters of water heating systems during operation the identification of hydraulic circuit is applied. The mathematical model of the hydraulic circuit is the model with concentrated parameters. The parameters of the hydraulic circuit are: flow rates at circuit jets, flow rates at circuit edges of the graph, pressure at circuit jets and difference pressure at circuit edges, hydraulic resistances of circuit edges. Identification of the hydraulic circuit is performed by the method of “mathematical flowmeter”. One of the methods for measuring liquid or gas flows is a mark method, and of the possible marks in the heating system is acceptable to use thermal mark. The purpose of the work is to confirm experimentally the possibility of using thermal marks to assess water flow in the pipe water heating system. Methodology. There are measuring of some parameters of the circuit and comparison of calculated and experimental data. Experimental flow rates are determined by the mark method. Thermal mark is proposed for velocity marking at water heating systems. An experimental installation was developed for detection capabilities of thermal marks. The typical dimensions of the tube - diameter, wall thickness and length of the elementary pipe section – are typical for similar sized heating systems. Detection of thermal mark was fixed mounted thermal sensors on the outside of pipes. Findings. Fixing signals thermal sensors, which are mounted on the outside of pipes and fix the water flows inside the tubes showed that the speeds typical of water for water heating systems use thermal mark is perfectly acceptable for the estimation of water flow. Originality. It is shown that the estimation of water flows for water heating systems by using thermal marks can be used to refine the parameters of hydraulic modes of heating systems in operation. Practical value. Using thermal marks in the water heating system will significantly improve the accuracy of identification of the heating network parameters during operation. Identification of hydraulic resistances of water heating systems during exploitation is proposed as a stage of project management.
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