Choosing of program complex for solving the contact problem
program complexes, finite element method, interaction of foundation with the base, PLAXIS.Abstract
Abstract. Purpose. Analysis and systematization of the existing software for the calculation of the foundations and the choice of optimal software for solving the contact problem in the interaction of foundation with the nonlinear deformable base. Analysis. Was performed overview of the main software that are used in the calculation of foundations and bases, analyzed their possible areas of use. Were presented fundamental differences in the results of determination the vertical shrinkage of the strip foundation by the analytical method and finite element method in the conditions of planar and spatial tasks on the basis of PLAXIS. Findings. The software provides a large library of finite elements and it is a potent analysis tool. Using different software would improve the process of calculating the foundations and bases. Integrated system of structural analysis and design of structures based on the finite element method allows determining the stress-strain state of structures from static and dynamic influences and performing a number of structural elements of the design features. To solve the contact problem in the interaction foundation with nonlinear deformable base the most advanced option of using is PLAXIS program. Comparison Results foundation subsidence calculations performed by the deformed flat circuit by the analytical method and finite elemen t method (PLAXIS 2D), showed that their values differ by only 9-15%. Foundation subsidence values that were calculated by the finite element method in conditions of spatial problem (PLAXIS 3D) by an average of 41% less subsidence values received in terms of plane problem (PLAXIS 2D). The relative difference subsidence received by the finite element method in terms of spatial problem has a much smaller value (0.00077) than with the flat problem (0.0022). Originality. In the article was analyzed information about the most advanced software for the calculation of foundations and bases, are characterized their ability, scope of use, allowing to choose the optimal version of the software for a specific purpose in solving the structural problem. Practical value. Using software system PLAXIS 3D during modeling of foundation interaction with the base which deforms unevenly allows you to get more accurate results acting forces and contact stresses.
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