Interaction of calcium ions with carcass carbon structures.


  • V. V. Reshetnyak к. т. н., Russian Federation
  • V. E. Vaganov к. т. н., Ukraine
  • S. Yu. Petrunin асп., Ukraine
  • A. G. Chumak асп., Ukraine
  • M. Yu. Popov асп., Ukraine


ions, frame, carbon


The DFT method investigated the interaction of Ca2 + ions with a graphen-like carbon surface. The possibility of covalent bonding of calcium to a hexagonal carbon cell of a surface is shown as a result of overlapping of valence 3π orbital Ca2 + and 2π carbon orbitals. The effect of graphene-like surface on the molecular structure of calcium compounds on the example of a two-water gypsum molecule has been studied. A model is proposed describing the effect of carbon nanotubes on the structure of composites.  

Author Biographies

V. V. Reshetnyak, к. т. н.

Vladimir State University AG and N.G. Stoletovyh, Vladimir, Russia

V. E. Vaganov, к. т. н.

GVUZ "Pridneprovskaya State Academy of Construction and Architecture", Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

S. Yu. Petrunin, асп.

GVUZ "Pridneprovskaya State Academy of Construction and Architecture", Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

A. G. Chumak, асп.

GVUZ "Pridneprovskaya State Academy of Construction and Architecture", Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

M. Yu. Popov, асп.

GVUZ "Pridneprovskaya State Academy of Construction and Architecture", Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov