Investigations of alkaline corrosion in light concrete with porous fillers based on waste from the glass industry


  • M. Yu. Popov асп., Russian Federation
  • V. E. Vaganov к. т. н., доц., Russian Federation
  • V. V. Reshetnyak к. т. н., доц., Russian Federation


Research, corrosion, industry


In the work, light concrete on the basis of foam glass was studied in an accelerated method for the expansion of cement balks. Also, the effect of functional additives of different nature on the inhibition of SCR in concrete was investigated. It is noted that with a denser composite structure, the risk of alkaline-silicate reactions decreases. 

Author Biographies

M. Yu. Popov, асп.

Vladimir State University AG and N.G. Centuries-old

V. E. Vaganov, к. т. н., доц.

Vladimir State University AG and N.G. Centuries-old

V. V. Reshetnyak, к. т. н., доц.

Vladimir State University AG and N.G. Centuries-old


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov