A study of the mechanical properties, structure and phase composition of materials based on cement composites and carbon nanotubes, depending on the concentration and surface functionalization


  • S. Yu. Petrunin асп., Russian Federation
  • V. E. Vaganov к. т. н, доц., Russian Federation
  • B. G. Kim д. т. н., проф., Russian Federation
  • N. N. Osipov асп., Russian Federation


Issledovanie, cement, Concentration, Functionalization.


The optimum concentrations of the carbon nanomodifier in the composition of the cement composite are determined, at which the maximum strength characteristics of the resulting material are observed. The effect of surface functionalization of CNTs on the hydration processes of cement clinker was studied. X-ray diffractometry and scanning electron microscopy have been used to study changes in the phase composition and structure when introducing concrete, both pure and functionalized CNTs, into the volume of concrete.

Author Biographies

S. Yu. Petrunin, асп.

Vladimir State University. A.G. And N.G. Stoletovykh, city of Vladimir, Russia

V. E. Vaganov, к. т. н, доц.

Vladimir State University. A.G. And N.G. Stoletovykh, city of Vladimir, Russia

B. G. Kim, д. т. н., проф.

Vladimir State University. A.G. And N.G. Stoletovykh, city of Vladimir, Russia

N. N. Osipov, асп.

 Ivanovo State University, Ivanovo, Russia 


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov