Increasing the homogeneity and grinding of the structure of building steels by treatment with multicomponent modifiers


  • S. A. Polishko к. т. н., доц., Ukraine
  • T. I. Ivchenko к. т. н., в. н. с., Ukraine
  • I. A. Markova к. т. н., в. н. с., Ukraine
  • E. P. Babenko к. т. н., в. н. с., Ukraine
  • M. A. Kushnir с.н.с., Ukraine


Multicomponent modifiers, structure, building steel.


It is shown that as a result of the study of the chemical composition, structure and mechanical properties of building steels of different degrees of doping, different production methods (converter and open-hearth), it is shown that by treating melts with multicomponent modifiers with a single idea of effect on their structure, it is possible to stabilize the chemical composition, Homogeneity of the structure, reduce the size of grains and blocks, improve mechanical properties.

Author Biographies

S. A. Polishko, к. т. н., доц.

Dnepropetrovsk National University named after Oles Honchar

T. I. Ivchenko, к. т. н., в. н. с.

Dnepropetrovsk National University named after Oles Honchar

I. A. Markova, к. т. н., в. н. с.

Dnepropetrovsk National University named after Oles Honchar

E. P. Babenko, к. т. н., в. н. с.

Dnepropetrovsk National University named after Oles Honchar

M. A. Kushnir, с.н.с.

Dnepropetrovsk National University named after Oles Honchar


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov