Improvement of the method for determining the radius of injection when reinforcing the base by the method of high-pressure carburizing


  • S. I. Golovko д.т.н., проф., Ukraine
  • A. S. Golovko к.т.н., Ukraine
  • N. E. Shehorkina
  • I. P. Kuchuk зам. директора, Ukraine


Improvement, cementation, injection.


Theoretical and experimental studies have been performed in the field of determining the radius of solution propagation when reinforcing the bases of buildings and structures using the high-pressure cementation method. The results obtained can be used in the design of injection work under high pressure.

Author Biographies

S. I. Golovko, д.т.н., проф.

GVUZ "Pridneprovskaya State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture"

A. S. Golovko, к.т.н.

GVUZ "Pridneprovskaya State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture"

N. E. Shehorkina

GVUZ "Pridneprovskaya State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture"

I. P. Kuchuk, зам. директора

Structural subdivision of Pridneprovskaya railway "Nizhnedneprovsky plant of reinforced concrete structures"


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov