Using quasi two-dimensional mathematical model for calculation of the thermal and hydraulic modes tube gas heater
tube gas heaters, calculation, reliability, failure – free operation, quasi two dimensional mathematical model, systems of equationsAbstract
Abstract. Purpose. Tube gas heaters reliability (TGH) poorly understood. Study unit property of reliability - failure – free operation is one of the important areas to improve the efficiency of design solutions and quality performance. Known dimensional mathematical model (TGH) [3]. However, this model does not take into account properties such as the irregularity of heating of the tube heater. The approach to the use of two-dimensional mathematical model of turbulent combustion in complex channel [5,6] requires rather cumbersome definition of empirical indicators. The proposed by the authors quasi -two- dimensional mathematical model [4,8] takes into account the dependence of the surface temperature of the heater not only linear, but also on the angular coordinates. The calculation using the latest model will provide the experimental dependence for further study of the issues of reliability. Methodology. Quasi two-dimensional mathematical model TGH consists of two groups of equations - heat transfer equations and the equations of motion. The equation of the temperature distribution on the surface of the tubular connection part TGH depending on the angular coordinate should be added to the equations of this group. This equation, in our opinion, is expedient to determine the results of experimental studies. The experiments have vary parameters such as flow rate, diameter and depend ence is represented in a dimensionless form. Findings. The method of calculation of the thermal and hydraulic modes TGH allows you to take a temperature distribution along the length and along the perimeter surface of the heater. In particular temperature val ues may be obtained in the upper part of the heater surface which is considerably higher than the diametrically opposite direction. Originality. The article shows that the quasi two-dimensional mathematical model of the empirical distribution of temperature with dependence of the parameters used to calculate the surface temperature distribution of the heater. Practical value. This calculation makes it possible to evaluate the possibility of failure due to overheating of the surface of the TGH, which may appear burnouts of its linear part.
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