Kinetics of separation of carbide phase in chromium-nickel corrosion-resistant steel 10х13н166


  • G. V. Snezhnoj к. ф-м. н., доц., Ukraine
  • V. G. Mischenko д. т. н., проф., Ukraine
  • V. L. Snezhnoj к. ф-м. н., доц., Ukraine


Kinetics, сarbide phase, austenite.


A sensitive magnetometric method for determining the ferromagnetic carbide phase from 0.002% and higher for steels with an austenite matrix is proposed. The use of this method made it possible to identify for the steel 10X13H16B the release of a ferromagnetic carbide phase based on iron (Fe3C) after tempering temperatures of 440, 475, 510, 545 ° C for samples pre-quenched in water from 850, 900, 950, 1000 ° C. The maximum release of the carbide phase is at a tempering temperature of ≈510ºС. It is established that the amount of the formed ferromagnetic carbide phase in steel depends on the atomic-magnetic state of austenite, which is determined by the specific paramagnetic susceptibility.

Author Biographies

G. V. Snezhnoj, к. ф-м. н., доц.

Zaporozhye National Technical University

V. G. Mischenko, д. т. н., проф.

Zaporozhye National University


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov