Optimization of modes of deformation of pipes from high-alloy steels


  • S. I. Gubenko д.т.н., Ukraine
  • V. N. Bespal'ko к.т.н., Ukraine
  • A. E. Balev асп., Ukraine
  • E. V. Zhilenkova соиск., Ukraine
  • V. V. Romaschenko студ., Ukraine
  • V. V. Kuz'menko студ., Ukraine


deformation, cracks, optimization.


In the work, studies were carried out to optimize the temperature and deformation modes of rolling in the production of pipes from high-alloy steels of the austenic (10X18H10T) and ferritic (04X14T3P1F) classes. The propensity of high-alloy steels of different classes to high-temperature fracture was investigated depending on the nature of the microstructure and the fracture performance (Ao), its components: the work of crack initiation (As) and the work of crack propagation (Ap and Atu) were studied.

Author Biographies

S. I. Gubenko, д.т.н.

National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

V. N. Bespal'ko, к.т.н.

National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

A. E. Balev, асп.

National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

E. V. Zhilenkova, соиск.

National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

V. V. Romaschenko, студ.

National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

V. V. Kuz'menko, студ.

National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine


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С.И. Губенко, В.Н Беспалько, Е.В. Жиленкова. Влияние температуры и степени деформации на характер изменения эвтектических боридов в высокохромистой стали с бором // Теория и практика металлургии.- Днепропетровск, 2006.- № 4-5.- с.158-160.

С.И.Губенко, В.Н. Беспалько, А.Е. Балев «Исследование параметров горячей деформации и термической обработки на формирование структуры гильз из стали 08Х18Н10Т», Наукові вісті. Сучасні проблеми металургії. Зб. науков. праць. Том 11. Пластична деформація. Теорія і технологія виробництва труб, м. Дніпропетровськ, 2008 р.





Proceedings in memory of Starodubov