Structural capabilities of css composites


  • V. Yu. Kostyrya cand. sc., assoc., Ukraine
  • L. N. Dejneko Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof., Ukraine
  • Yu. N. Ushakov Cand. Sc., Assoc., Ukraine
  • I. E. Dolzhenkov, Prof., Ukraine
  • E. A. Muradyan Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assoc., Ukraine
  • L. A. Fetischeva курс., Ukraine
  • V. M. Liferenko course., Ukraine
  • A. K. Moroka курс., Ukraine


matrix, "Spring effect", Svs.


In a multiphase composite, the particles of the "shallow" component (matrix, strengthening-phase particles depleted in oxide) will "wedge" between the "large" components, thereby reducing the value of the radius of their contact (especially for force SHS compaction - primary structure formation). When the concentration of the model particles of the "large" component of the strengthening corundum phase of the composite is less than the threshold, the "large" particles are isolated and the radius of the contact spot between them is zero: rk = 0. Upon reaching the threshold concentration (Xcr = Xpor), an infinite continuous sequence of contacting "large" (As in real SHS-metallokompozitah). In most types of armor after the Second World War, the face layer of cemented armor usually reached a hardness: less than -490, an average of -640 higher -700 Brinell units, the rear layer reached medium hardnesses of 220-240 Brinell. The hardness of homogeneous armor averaged 200-240 Brinell units, in some cases it dropped to 190. A similar ratio of hardnesses made it possible to realize the "spring effect", but, in our opinion, no more than 35-40%. 

Author Biographies

V. Yu. Kostyrya, cand. sc., assoc.

National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

L. N. Dejneko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof.

KZO "Lyceum with enhanced military-physical training"

L. A. Fetischeva, курс.



R. P. Hunnicutt. Patton. A History of American Main Battle Tank Volume I. — 1st ed. — Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1984. — P. 123. — 464 p. — ISBN 0-89141-230-1

Interaction of Projectiles and Composite Armor." Part II, AMMRC CR 6915, August 1969 насайте

«Study and Design of Armored Aircrew Crash Survival Seat».USAAVLABS Technical Report 67-2. March 1967

Материалы Всемирной Сети www





Proceedings in memory of Starodubov