Implementation of the system of engineering knowledge in the design process of precast steel building constructions


  • Т. І. Sorotuyk Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Povitroflotsky Avenue, 31, 03680, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • S. A. Terenchuk Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Povitroflotsky Avenue, 31, 03680, Kyiv, Ukraine


Knowledge Engineering, Intelligent integrated decision-making system, knowledge base, rule base


Annotation.  Purpose.  The  development  of  the  system  of  engineering  knowledge  for  designing  of  precast  steel  building  constructions with its subsequent introduction in the design process.  Methods  of designing of precast building constructions based  on  the  application  of  the  principle  of  decomposition  geometric  model  design  elements  in  their  composition,  followed  by  a  new  connection by technical decision. The rules are based on generalized expert knowledge and consistent with findings of surveys  of  technical condition of real structures operating in different conditions. In order to justify choice of the best composition data on  a new compounds  are  transferred  to  external  CAD  systems,  which  performed  construction  information  model  design  and  calculates  the  loads.  Results. The proposed system of engineering knowledge expands and enhances the capabilities of the existing CAD systems towards  reducing  the  risk  of  making  wrong  decisions  when  designing  new  compounds  related  to  the  lack  of  reliable  regulatory  framework of standards for new design solutions and observational data through the use of expertise.  Originality.  For analytical  support system was built a knowledge base, which contains the atlas of geometric models, elements of units with a description  of the conditions  of  their  use  and  the  base  of  rules  for  composition.  To  manage  the  order  of  operations  in  the  design  process  of  new compounds,  the  model  of  application  knowledge  was  offered,  which  was  constructed  with  taking  into  account  the  features  of  methods of solving the dynamic multi tasks under conditions of uncertainty and risk. The dynamics of model allows timely influence  the schedule of the project by allowing changes in design during the design process.   Practical value.  Implementation of the system  of engineering knowledge allows a significantly increase the degree of automation of the design process of precast steel const ructions  and  the  designing  speed.  The  interaction  of  developed  system  with  external  CAD  systems  enables  to  provide  the  imitational  modeling of features of unique precast constructions, that are essential in creating appropriate technical documentation and  reduces  the costs for additional tests. Visualization of geometric models elements of units a significantly affect the reliability  of solutions  when  used  natural  intelligence  at  the  stage  of  the  application  of  knowledge  through  the convenience  of  a  large  amount  of  information.

Author Biographies

Т. І. Sorotuyk, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Povitroflotsky Avenue, 31, 03680, Kyiv

Ph.D. Cand.

S. A. Terenchuk, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Povitroflotsky Avenue, 31, 03680, Kyiv

Ph.D. Assoc. Prof.


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Computer systems and information technologies in education, science and management