Analysis of current practices of accounting changes estimated cost of construction
construction program, budget documentation, pricing.Abstract
Abstract. The urgency of the problem. At present, various organizations developed and implemented a large number of building programs for the development of construction documents. The most in demand have Building Technology, ARC-2 and AVC-5. Estimate documentation is the result of the estimates, a certain way of materials designed for calculating resource requirements for the main stages and levels of planning and management of construction projects. A common form of public budg et calculation in construction is realized in the form of estimates, which is owned by the customer, regardless of the developers -compilers estimate calculation. The estimated cost is part of the estimates, the most important and significant result of the development of cost estimates for the construction, and establishes the need for the construction of financial resources. Physical estimates of indicators (the lists and scope of work, consumption of resources, the need for services) in physical measuremen t are defined in full in the design construction and are permanent, immutable characteristics of the construction project, and the estimated value can be calculated at any point in time for the new current prices resources and services in the building. Purpose - analysis of the existing practice of accounting for changes in the estimated cost of the construction of an example of the known estimated programs. Statement of the base material. All estimates of the program guided by the following regulations: DBN A.2.2 -3-2012, DSTU B D.1.1-1: 2013 DSTU-NB D.1.1-2:2013 DSTU-NB D.1.1-3:2013, DSTU-NB D.1.1-4:2013 DSTU-NB D.1.1-5:2013 DSTUNB D.1.1-6:2013. Perhaps the main criterion of quality programs - the possibility of forming and conducting various estimates. As a rule, construction documents consists of the following items: a local account; calculation object; Consolidated payment; resource calculation; acts of acceptance of the executed works (including COP-2) Form 3; resource sheets; list of material requirements; Form M-29; statement of labor; cumulative list. Conclusion. Changing the legal and regulatory maintenance of functioning of the building complex gradually brings Ukraine closer to European standards, which allows the introduction of modern methods and enterprise management model. The level of estimated program complexes has a decisive influence on the formation of a system of relationships customer-contractor according to regulatory documents of Ukraine.
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DBN А.2.2-3-2012 Sklad ta zmist proektnoi dokumentatsii [State building codes Ukraine DBN А.2.2-3-2012. The composition and content of the project for the construction]. Kyiv, Ministersto regionalnogo rozvitky, budivnictva ta zhitlovokomunalnogo gospodarsttva Ukrainy, , Publ., 2012, 24 p. (in Ukrainian).
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Ofitsiinyy sait kompanii «AVK Sozidatel» [The official website of «AVK Sozidatel»]. Programnyi kompleks «AVK-5». [Software «AVK-5»]. Available at: . (in Ukrainian).
Ofitsiinyi sait kompanii «Bisnes Avtomatyka» [The official website of «Business Automation»]. Programnyi kompleks «AKR-2». [Software «AKR-2»]. Available at: . (in Ukrainian).
Ofitsiinyi sait kompanii «Computer Logic Group» [The official website of « Computer Logic Group»]. Programnyi kompleks «Stroitelnye tehnologii - SMETA». [Software «Building technologies - the ESTIMATE»]. Available at: . (in Ukrainian).
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