Methodical and technical support for construction of tubular gas heaters with natural heat-carrier movement


  • K. V. Dudkіn соискатель, Ukraine
  • V. V. Danіshevs'kij д.т.н., проф., Ukraine
  • V. V. Tkachova к.т.н., доц., Ukraine


Methodical, technical gas heaters.


The article outlines the methodical support for the construction of tubular gas heaters with the natural motion of the coolant, and also points to the possibility of such a complete set of safety automation for such heaters, which meets the requirements for automation of gas industrial burners. 

Author Biographies

K. V. Dudkіn, соискатель

State Pedagogical University "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture"

V. V. Danіshevs'kij, д.т.н., проф.

State Pedagogical University "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture"

V. V. Tkachova, к.т.н., доц.

State Pedagogical University "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture"


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ГОСТ 21204-97. Горелки газовые промышленные. Общие технические требования.

ГОСТ 2939-63. Газы. Условия для определения объема.

ГОСТ Р 50591-93. Агрегаты тепловые газопостребляющие. Горелки газовые промышленные. Предельные нормы концентраций в продуктах сгорания. xNO





Proceedings in memory of Starodubov