Influence of the thermo-deformation parameters on the position of critical points and the structure of steels of the type cr13


  • L. N. Dejneko д.т.н., проф., Ukraine
  • O. E. Silant'eva
  • S. F. Sokolov
  • Yu. A. Bezobrazov


Thermal deformation, structure, Austenite


A comparative analysis of existing thermokinetic diagrams for steels of Cr13 type according to chemical composition, temperature of critical points and stability of austenite to decay has been carried out. Experiments were carried out on the basis of which the thermokinetic diagrams of decomposition of supercooled austenite for a Cr13 steel with and without deformation were constructed, which allows us to get an idea of the processes of structural formation occurring in high-chrome steels during thermoformation processing.

Author Biographies

L. N. Dejneko, д.т.н., проф.

National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

O. E. Silant'eva

National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

S. F. Sokolov

National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

Yu. A. Bezobrazov

St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov