Clever concretes. The urgency of the direction. Perspectives of development and application


  • V. E. Vaganov k.t.n., doc., Russian Federation
  • S. Yu. Petrunin asp., Russian Federation
  • E. V. Smirnov stud., Russian Federation


clever concretes, quality, control.


In this paper, we present an analysis of the current trends in the development of the field of construction materials science, related to the production and development of "smart" concrete with new functional properties, as well as the creation of the most effective methods for quality control of building structures and products on the basis of the data obtained.  

Author Biographies

V. E. Vaganov, k.t.n., doc.

Vladimir State University. A.G. And N.G. Stoletovs, city of Vladimir, Russia.

S. Yu. Petrunin, asp.

Vladimir State University. A.G. And N.G. Stoletovs, city of Vladimir, Russia.

E. V. Smirnov, stud.

Vladimir State University. A.G. And N.G. Stoletovs, city of Vladimir, Russia.


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov