Influence of the composition on the structure and properties of heat-treated graphitized steels


  • S. B. Belikov Dr. Sci., Prof., Ukraine
  • I. V. Akimov candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Ukraine


structure, steel, Heat treatment.


Using the method of mathematical planning of the experiment, the influence of carbon, silicon and copper on the mechanical properties of tempered and released graphitized steel has been studied. It has been established that the composition of the composition is the optimal combination of high strength, ductility and toughness: 0.7 ... 0.8% C; 2.2 ... 2.4% Si; 3.0 ... 3.2% Cu; 0.60 ... 0.70% Mn; 0.22-0.25% Al.

Author Biographies

S. B. Belikov, Dr. Sci., Prof.

Zaporizhzhya National Technical University

I. V. Akimov, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

Zaporizhzhya National Technical University


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov