Dear colleagues!


  • B. E. Paton President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician, Ukraine


"Starodubsky Readings", VI Bolshakov, Civic position.


The active civic position of Kirill Fedorovich - a scientist, researcher, educator and organizer - serves as a model for young professionals. The glorious traditions of the school of KF Starodubov are supported and developed by the rector of the Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Professor VI Bolshakov. It belongs to him the idea of organizing and holding an annual scientific conference "Starodubovsky Readings", which attracts attention in the broad scientific and technical circles and is a great opportunity for the exchange of progressive scientific ideas and developments, for the further development of fruitful cooperation of scientists and industrialists, for the birth of new progressive ideas. And joint projects.

Author Biography

B. E. Paton, President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician






Proceedings in memory of Starodubov