Solving the problem of synthesis of independent system heat supply with tube gas heaters in structures


  • H. Y. Chornomorets assistant, Ukraine
  • V. F. Irodov Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., Ukraine


tube gas heaters, building structures, binary choice relation, evolutionary search algorithm


Abstract. Purpose. To select the optimal design parameters indirect heating with tube gas heaters in structures must solve the problem of synthesis. It is necessary to develop a mathematical model of the entire heating system with tube gas heaters in structures as the hydraulic circuit with non-isothermal flow and heat transfer and methods of solving problems of analysis and synthesis of systems for air heating, which increases the efficiency of investment in construction. Methodology. When designing and constructing tube gas heater in structures are needed choice of a number of parameters that determine the optimal performance of its work. To find solutions to the problem of synthesis (optimization) is proposed to use evolutionary search algorithm for the most preferred solutions. Findings. The problem is formulated optimization indirect heating with tube gas heaters in structures. To solve this problem using a selection algorithm involving an evolutionary algorithm to find the most preferred solution. Originality. The method of solving the problem of synthesis indirect heating with tube gas heater located in structures using evolutionary algorithm for finding the most preferred solution. The results of this decision will improve the quality of project work and work themselves heaters. The following convergence solutions of the optimization heating system with tube gas heaters in structures. Practical value. For the design of tube gas heaters in structures needed to find optimal design parameters, such as capital and operating costs, efficiency and the others. Results for solving the problem of synthesis gas tube heaters in structures provide a positive impact on the optimal design of these systems. When looking for optimal solutions of the system proposed to use an evolutionary algorithm to find solutions. Results of the solution of this problem will provide positive effects for the design of these heaters.

Author Biographies

H. Y. Chornomorets, assistant

Department of System Analysis and Modeling in Heat and Gas Supply, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Chernishevskogo str., 24-A, Dnipro 49600, Ukraine, phon. +38 (056) 756-33-49

V. F. Irodov, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

Department of System Analysis and Modeling in Heat and Gas Supply, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Chernishevskogo str., 24-A, Dnipro 49600, Ukraine, phon. +38 (056) 756-34-06


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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction