Research the method of images sections creation of maxillofacial area for computer system for operations planning
anatomo-topographical parameters, contour length, search of a curve, curve length, spiral computer tomography, DICOM formatAbstract
Abstract. Purpose. Creation of computer system of the images analysis of maxillofacial area for creation of section and determination of topographical parameters of a maxillofacial area bones, will allow the doctor correctly and to quickly plan operation, and also to reduce probability of the wrong carrying out operation and, respectively, risk of emergence accompanyi ng surgical complications. A bone tissue – structure uneven therefore it is necessary to develop a method which could define correctly a form of a curve for finding of length and height of a bone and expect its length that it will be the basis for creation of co mputer system. Results. In work the method of images sections creation of maxillofacial area is created and described, and also the algorithm on the basis of the created method put in a basis of computer system functioning is developed. Researches of this method, which showed its ability to exact creation of longitudinal and cross sections and definition on the basis of the constructed sections of such parameters as width and height of a bone tissue are conducted. Approbation of computer system on the basis of the create d method with real pictures in the conditions of regional hospital is carried out that allowed to receive the accuracy of determination of the sizes of sections (in 52 sets of pictures) equal 98%. Scientific novelty. The method of creation of maxillofacial area on the basis of which the computer system of the analysis for determination of parameters is created that allowed to receive high precision of determination of section sizes is developed and approved. Practical importance. Use of computer system will allow to simplify work of medical experts in planning of operations of carrying out an osteosynthes, and also to reduce risk of the wrong carrying out operation.
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