About domain knowledge it specialized computer sciences building the university and its development for industry
specialized computer science in the university building, structural dynamics, designing nonlinear structures protection systems.Abstract
Annotation. Goal. The search for new destinations, routes and connections to improve the domain of graduates of the university IT people building knowledge and to use this knowledge in the construction industry. Methods. Experience of teaching 3 course, students KH showed an almost complete lack of motivation of students to study promoted by the Ministries of IT companies and domain knowledge. Several strange and premature for the building of the university is their orientation and inclination of ITgraduates in one or two minor areas for construction. Apparently, there must be a set of first compulsory subjects smaller volume than the main specialty Construction management, engineering, but is similar in composition. Accordingly, it is proposed to c onsider, for example, at least some part of the engineering works and the role of IT specialists for each of the 11 sections and construction phases, which take into account the direction of "topics" dozens of world scientific conferences of recent years and in 2017. Results. According to some of these sections and stages of construction can be found and established objectively and stages of preparation of bachelors and masters. Preliminary training, from school age, and to give the document the construction of the university of education, with regard to the convergence of CBC specialties and IT, has been described in detail by the author at the previous conference KSIT ESM-2015. In many areas of basic scientists graduating departments PGASA undoubtedly accumulated materials that require high quality computer processing and hardware implementation. They lack the computer skills and IT-knowledge and domain knowledge from them - a lot. The paper makes specific proposals. Scientific novelty. As a scientific novelty of the suggestions can be emphasized offer study in building universities and accounting calculations in modern constructions of four known groups of nonlinearities. Their amplitude changes accounting dynamic stresses and accelerations in some cases, several times. Practical significance. Using the refined calculations and other digital technologies described can be used in the dynamic certification, when searching for the damages drawn up by the pre-album standard dynamic characteristics. Obviously, for a particular type of analog building or structure is implementing will accelerate and improve the reliability of the experimental sample surveys, especially in hard to reach places and sites.
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