Audit of project on methodology of control of alternative sign


  • I. V. Trifonov Dr. Sc. (Tech.), рrof., Ukraine
  • O. I. Mazurkevich PhD, Ukraine
  • R. B. Papirnyk Ph. D.,, Ukraine


project, project management, quality, audit of project, alternative sign


Annotation. Purpose Development of methodology of audit of project on an alternative sign in the cut of quality of project.. Methodology. As material for the real research a control method was chosen on an alternative sign that consists in periodic verifications of accordance of project to the certain, preliminary set criteria. This method can be applied to many aspects of project, preliminary select his performers. In addition, to the separate checked up parameters certain gravimetric coefficients can be added for providing of greater efficiency of process of the control carried out simultaneously on a few alternative signs. Findings. The worked out instrument allows to execute the comparative analysis of the pre-arranged and actual motion of realization of project, and also to define the percent of changes on every parameter of every work of project. In addition, possibility to conduct this analysis on any index or parameter of project appeared. For plenitude of analysis 40 parameters on that can be appraised, both all project on the whole and every work or stage of this project, are used individually. Originality. Methodology of audit of project is worked out on an alternative sign, that allows not only to watch motion of execution of project but also make decision on the maximally possible amount of aspects of project, that is not observed at the use of classic instruments of management by projects. Practical value. This methodology allows to make decision on a pre-schedule stop or completion of project.

Author Biographies

I. V. Trifonov, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), рrof.

Department of Building Technology, State Higher Educational Institution "Pridneprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture", Chernyshevsky str., 24-a, 49600, Dnipro, Ukraine, tel. +38 (096) 810-78-28

O. I. Mazurkevich, PhD

Department of Management, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Gagarin Ave., 4, 49600, Dnipro, Ukraine, tel. +38 (097) 36-78-150

R. B. Papirnyk, Ph. D.,

Department of Building Technology, State Higher Educational Institution "Pridneprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture", Chernyshevsky str., 24-a, 49600, Dnipro, Ukraine tel. +38 (0652) 47-37-80


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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction