Hydrodynamically expedient drainage system in the built-up areas of the dnieper river floodplain


  • V. I. Tymoshchuk Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof., Ukraine
  • IE. А. Sherstiuk ассист., Ukraine


hydrodynamic mode, geofiltrational simulation, groundwater mode forecast, drainage system, drainage parameters


Abstract. The purpose of this paper is predictive assessment the hydrodynamic mode in prospective construction site of the Dnieper River floodplain in order to choose an expedient drainage system and substantiate the drainage parameters. The object of the research is geofiltration processes in the floodplain area of the Dnieper River middle flow in geological and hydrogeological conditions disturbed by construction and operation of the designed facilities. In studying the hydrodynamic mode, we used the method of variant modeling of three-dimensional filtration processes under operation of various types of drainage and different drainage element layouts using a numerical mathematical model implemented on the basis of a finite difference method. The main mode-forming factors of investigated territory have been determined by the results of analysis and generalization data of geological structure and hydrogeological conditions, general hydrodynamic scheme of simulated area has been developed, the structure of geofiltration model has been justified, its initial and boundary conditions have been determined. Predictive estimation of groundwater level mode has been executed, comparative analysis of vertical and bed drainage efficiency with various schemes of drainage element layouts has been carried out by simulation. Efficiency of the drainage structures operation in the protected area has been estimated for a high level flood conditions with 1% probability in the Dnieper River. The scientific novelty of research: patterns in the hydrodynamic mode formation of the Dnieper River floodplain under the influence of main mode-forming factors in conditions of drainage operation have been determined. The practical significance of the work consists in the substantiation of choosing the hydrodynamically expedient drainage system, layout of water-depleting constructions and drainage parameters at the site of projected construction. The results of this research can form the basis for development the protective engineering measures in construction design at sites within potentially flooded floodplains of rivers.

Author Biographies

V. I. Tymoshchuk, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof.

Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, State Higher Educational Institution "National mining university", Dnipro, Yavornytskoho ave., 19, r. 54, 49005, Ukraine

IE. А. Sherstiuk, ассист.

Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, State Higher Educational Institution "National mining university", Dnipro, Yavornytskoho ave., 19, r. 54, 49005, Ukraine


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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction