Some features of project management in business process automation
project, business process, function, automatic business processes, project management.Abstract
Abstract. Purpose. Projects for the automation of business processes are of high importance and relevance. The existing practice of their implementation indicates the presence of a number of problem areas that require further research and development. The paper focuses on three key, in my opinion, areas: rationale automation efficiency is business processes, not individual functions, clarifying the concept of "business process" used in automation and the development of recommendations on the use of performance indicators in the form of projects. Methodology. The above article the analysis and development of recommendations based on a universal approach to project management PMBOK, P2M, Prince2, as well as business process management standard BPM CBOK. Practical basis for the conclusions was the experience of the author on the automation of business -process in consulting projects in the manufacturing and trading companies. Findings. t was found that business-process, as opposed to functions, are more promising targets for automation because they provide greater efficiency related projects. Due to the current understanding of the ambiguity of the term "business process", proposed a number of criteria which, according to the author, can clearly distinguish the concept of "business process" and "function". Recommendations for evaluating the effectiveness of business processes automation projects. Recommendations relating to the logic of determining the need for a formal performance indicators in projects. Arguments in favor of the approach, according to which not all the projects will be advisable to use classical performance. In particular, for large-scale organizational transformation projects using such indicators it can not be recommended. Originality. The notion of "business process", suggested criteria for identifying business processes. Formulated arguments in favor of automation is business processes, not individual functions. Improved approach to assessing the effectiveness of business processes automation projects. Practical value. Using the proposed recommendations for business process automation projects will improve manageability, efficiency, and reduce the risks associated with implementation.
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