The feasibility of using graphics software for the hydraulic calculation heating and watersupply
graphics programs, hydraulic calculation, Selection of pipelines, regulating valves.Abstract
Summary. The urgency of the problem. Modern engineering systems are characterized by their complexity in the design that are not only for compliance with hygiene standards, but also to ensure comfortable conditions in buildings, while achieving maximum economic benefit for the project. For example, the heating system does not work in a constant hydraulic regime, a system with a constantly changing thermal conditions during operation, respectively requires the equipment to track these changes and respond to them. New approaches, solutions, materials and design a challenge for designers who in these circumstances, should have the diversity and specificity of the application of modern control valves for the implementation of high -tech and energy-efficient heating systems with optimized capital costs. When designing the heating system and water supply system settlements are characterized by a large weight and a large amount of variables. That is why leading manufacturers of piping and control valv es create and perfect graphics software for the automated calculation of hydraulic systems. Purpose - to study the feasibility of using graphics software for hydraulic calculation of the example programs known manufacturers of piping and control valves. Statement of the base material. There are many programs to help with graphic design of heating systems and water supply, the regulation of existing systems. For example, some of them would like to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of their use in the calcula tions. The program provides opportunities to carry out absolutely all the hydraulic calculations, in which: - the selection of the diameters of pipelines, both in heating and cooling; - selection of the size of radiators and fan coil units; - optimization of water consumption in the designed equipment; - calculation of the pressure loss in the equipment; - Selection of settings balancing valves on the risers and branches; - keeping the required parameters of thermostatic radiator valves; - issuance of the list and the amount of materials needed. Conclusions. Make the choice of materials and control valves, without having the market situation is very difficult. Before producing the task to inform not only the consumers of the goods, but also to inform the des igners about all the characteristics, differences and advantages, because it is at the stage of the project addressed the issue of use of certain materials and equipment. Therefor e, in order to make a payment or heating water on the area of the building, it is better to use a software application with a large library of materials and products. From the correctness of the data it depends not only on the work of the system itself, but also the amount of investment that would be required for its organization.
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