En research and technology comparison of ukrainian and european terminology in the heat supply branch
heat supply, translation, interpretation, term, concept, DBN, DSTU, ENAbstract
Abstract. Purpose. Deepening of understanding of branch standards in the heat supply branch, correct translation and interpretation of some specific local and European terms and concepts, growing of efficiency of the collaboration of Ukrainian and European heat supply engineers. Methodology. The offered comparison analysis of some Ukrainian and European terms and concepts in the heat supply branch is based on the study of actual regulatory documents, reference and research, and technology literature and practical experience of collaboration with specialists. The translation of European terms and concepts from their documents is not literal, but in the aim to pass the specificity of the branch more accurate. The same method was used to translate Ukrainian branch terminology. Findings. It is proved that using of the literal translation of multiple terms and concepts can lead to wrong interpretation and misunderstanding between the specialists. The correct explanation of specific terms and concepts requires deep professional analysis. Some variations of translation into English are offered, for some terms that are widely used by Ukrainian specialists in the heat supply sphere. Originality. The comparison analysis of actual regulations with EU regulations in heat supply branch has got its further development. The necessity of the professional analysis while translation and interpreting of some terms are proven. Practical value. The results of an article can be used during the study process of students of building faculties, for finding the common ground between Ukrainian and European specialists in heat supply, in process of harmonization of Ukrainian and European regulations.References
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