Estimation methods of ecological compatibility of building systems in municipal engineering facilities
building systems of civil engineering facilities, utility systems, ecological compatibility, environmental measureAbstract
Abstract. Objective. The researching of building systems of municipal engineering facilities (housing and public utilities) on pollution and on the ecological state of the environmental components, as well as the development of a quantitative method of differential and integrated assessment of their ecological compatibility. Methods. The theoretical problems of the research are solved using a system analysis characterized by the application of methods and models of the theory of decision-making systems, and a complex of logistical, mathematical and statistical methods and procedures aimed at obtaining from the specialists the information necessary for the preparation and selection of rational solutions for assessing the ecological compatibility of building systems of municipal engineering. Results. It is shown that the building systems of civil engineering facilities is an important socially oriented link in the state’s economy, a diversified economic complex comprising heat supply, water supply and water disposal, gas supply, electricity supply, etc. Its purpose is to provide housing and utilities to the population, states-funded organizations and commercial enterprises. The issues of evaluation of building systems of municipal engineering facilities by criteria of ecological compatibility are considered. The existing methods of assessing the ecological compatibility of technological processes in relation to building systems of municipal engineering facilities are analyzed. Scientific originality. The expediency of applying the environmental MIPS-analysis tool (Material input per unit service or utility) for the assessment of the ecological compatibility of building systems in housing and public utilities has been proved. The universal methodology for assessing the impact of building systems of civil engineering facilities on the environment and determining the level of ecological compatibility of the services delivered is justified. Practical significance of the research is to develop methods that allow to make decisions at various stages of the life cycle of building systems of municipal engineering facilities (housing and public utilities) to ensure operative management of the level of environmental safety and energy efficiency of buildings and structures; is to create the recommendations for the implementation of innovative measures that minimize the destructive impact of buildings and structures on the environment and improve their microclimate. The organization of building systems of municipal engineering facilities on the principles of ecological compatibility will create conditions for the sustainable development of urban and rural settlements.References
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