Computer technologies in the study of informatics proesse and technical disciplines


  • T. V. Zakharova Educational Establishment «Belarusian State University of Transport",st. Ki2 * Department "Information and software transport systems" Educational Establishment «Belarusian State University of Transport", ul. Kirov, 34, 246653, Gomel, Belarus, Ukraine
  • D. V. Zakharov Department "Information and software transport systems" Educational Establishment «Belarusian State University of Transport", ul. Kirov, 34, 246653, Gomel, Belarus, Ukraine


computer technologies, teaching, computer science, technical disciplines, Higher School


Abstract.  Purpose.  The  main  task  of  the  higher  school  -  training  of  competitive  specialists  who  might  possess  deep  the knowledge, choose important in information flow, know how to put into practice the theoretical knowledge and skills, provide  right conclusions.  In our time  to train competent engineers important computer systems and information technologies are, system offer significant opportunities for storage, handling, delivery of any volume and content of the information. Education system face s not only  the  task  of  preparing  a  competent  professional,  but  also  a  person  aspiring  to  perfection,  self-development,  advance  his professional level. Lifelong learning is at the same time while learning, the ability to apply this knowledge in practice. Th e main condition is the motivation, based on the needs and interests of the individual as a future engineer to achieve this goal. The task of the teacher of high school  -  to create a positive attitude to further development of the knowledge towards of the student, his interest in special subjects. This article is aimed at presentation of the methodology of teaching technical subjects in University transport using information technology. Methodology. The basis of learning is the formation individual orientation of personality, his values, formed the  installation,  the  motives  of  activity  and  behavior.  To  Raise  the  professional  abilities  of  the  student,  his  creativity,  means  to, develop the ability to differentiate, analyze, compare, choose the best option for solving the various technical and life pro blems. The use of multimedia technology in the classroom contributes to a better and more efficient assimilation of the material. Creative of the personality can be formed with the students' independent work with literature, the latest developments with the use of the In ternet in various fields  of science and technology. Selection of the reports for student conferences indicates the interests of the individual, promotes the formation of positive attitudes to further education and self-improvement. The study of the history and development of technical sciences, getting aware makes future professionals sciences a technology improvement patterns the latest developments in these  areas  contributes  to  the  formation  of  future  professionals  understand  the  patterns  of  perfection  of  science  and  technol ogy, develops the ability to predict the future path of development in the scientific and technical direction. The most effektive  type of  information teaching is audio-visual (media) which is 65% according to UNESCO data. The method is based on the extensive use of  computer technology.  Findings.  The use of computer technology in the process of learning disciplines as "Informatics", "Rolling  Stock", "Technical basics of creating machines", "design, the theory and calculation of cars", "Safety Rules of technical o peration"  contributes to a better and efficient assimilation of the material and quality, Scientific novelty. The technique of teaching of computer  science and engineering disciplines using computer technology. Results. The use of computer technology in th e process of learning  disciplines as "Informatics", "Rolling Stock", "Technical basics of creating machines", "design, the theory and calculation o f cars", "Safety Rules of technical operation" contributes to a better and efficient assimilation of the material and quality,  Originality.  The  technique of teaching of computer science and engineering disciplines using computer technology.  Practical significance. The use of  computer technologies reduces the time required to study the program material and increases it for creativity.

Author Biographies

T. V. Zakharova, Educational Establishment «Belarusian State University of Transport",st. Ki2 * Department "Information and software transport systems" Educational Establishment «Belarusian State University of Transport", ul. Kirov, 34, 246653, Gomel, Belarus

Ph.D., Associate Professor

D. V. Zakharov, Department "Information and software transport systems" Educational Establishment «Belarusian State University of Transport", ul. Kirov, 34, 246653, Gomel, Belarus

Master of Engineering science, Senior Lecturer


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Computer systems and information technologies in education, science and management