Express diagnostics methodology of human health
express diagnostics, human life diagram, energy-information field, vitality, information value of system, energy value of system.Abstract
Summary. Purpose. To develop an express diagnostics methodology of human health based on a comparison of living standards and health states in order to determine the onset of a decease, allowing to adopt the necessary treatment and thus extending longevity. Methodology. The idea of express diagnostics methodology of human health built upon the following concepts: -human life diagram formed on the dates of birth determines living standards (material wealth, spiritual life, implementation of life goals, state of health, etc.) at some stage and evaluates health risks and the time of their incurrence. However, it is impossible to establish a diagnosis using a life diagram; -with a human energy-information field you can predict deceases such as cancer, brain hemorrhage or heart attack that one may encounter in future right after the birth of a child, but you can not forecast the onset of the decease. The question is – how to determine the onset of a decease. To address this problem, the authors suggest the method of express diagnostics of human health based on a comparison of living standards and health states of a human. Findings. An express diagnostics methodology of human health was developed, which determines the onset of a decease, allowing to adopt the necessary treatment and thus extends longevity. A connection between the vitality and energy-information field level of a human has been confirmed, which enables to evaluate the health conditions. Originality. The following rules were adopted during the creation of the above-mentioned connection formula: -the threshold vitality divides all systems into living and non-living systems; -the information value of a system equals its energy value at the point of threshold vitality; - the first level of human energy-information field equals 1 and corresponds to the threshold vitality; - the highest possible level of energy-information field amounts to 7. The energy-information field scale is built upon the above-mentioned rules, and the vitality is calculated for each level. The dependence adjustment was made via «trend line» instrument of Excel application, which includes the least squares method. Practical value. The proposed method of express diagnostics of human health is designed to be used by doctors.
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