To the question of foreign language teaching continuit at school and higher educational institution


  • N. A. Grishankova Belarusian State University of Transport, Kirova str.,34, 246653, Gomel, the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine


teaching continuity at school and higher education institution, social theme, professional activity, information field, system of educational continuity


Abstract.  Purpose.  The  purpose  of  this  article  is  to  give  coverage  to  the  rigid  system  of  knowledge  continuity.  The  article  is dedicated to the priority tasks of foreign language teaching at school /college and non-philological higher educational institutions. A foreign language, according to E. I. Passov, has become a kind of productive power, and foreign language literacy  –  an economic category. The main purpose of foreign language teaching at school/college is to provide students with a basic sound language  training in order to teach students later at a technical university to use relevant foreign literature in their specialty. It mean s that students must be taught to read, analyze and translate technical texts with different objectives (with /without a dictionary), it corresponds to the curriculum requirements in foreign languages for non-linguistic specialties. Methodology. The main objective of the methodology of  the foreign language teaching is communication training. The methodological mechanism of foreign language mastering is based  on reading,  analysis,  technical  texts  translation,  ability  to  speak  on  the  issues  of  future  specialt y  and  social  topics.  The  major methodological task of foreign language teaching at school and non-linguistic technical university is to help students in the shortest possible time to master  comprehensive skills of reading, understanding and translating authentic texts in a  foreign language. The urgency  of  foreign  speech  training  requires  the  improvement  of  foreign  language  methodology  taking  into  account  the  ongoing changes in the social, political, economic life of our country and abroad.  Findings  It is established that the ability to read a relevant literature, professional literature in order to get the necessary information, be able to translate, prepare an abstract and  annotation, to conduct a simple business conversation, to make a speech and understand a foreign speech within the topics of university curricula remain extremely important aspects of the language mastering. At a technical University training, development, and improvemen t of different types of reading such as skimming, scanning, reading for full understanding is determined by the task set up while working at  authentic  sources.  These  sources  include  monographs,  patents,  scientific  articles,  transportation  documents,  different  technical, business,  popular  science  materials.  Originality.  Specific  differences  in  the  volume  of  meanings  of  the  two  languages  being compared are determined. It is found out that in most cases the lack of understanding of scientific foreign texts is caused n ot only by difficult grammar rules but mainly by the lack of combinatory and polysemantic knowledge of the language being studied. Practical value. The implementation of the set purposes and tasks allows to develop and improve the language /speech knowledge of students and to acquire practical skills of translation from a foreign language into a native one; gives an opportunity to master the most typical grammatical structures and genres of technical and scientific styles of speech, frequently used types of vocabulary: basic, scientific, special,  terms;  to  eliminate  some  lexical  problems  of  translation  as  well  as  to  master  some  strategies  of  reading  and  translation: a)reading for full and accurate understanding of the material, b) quick reading for finding specific information, c) scanning, d)reading for  finding  the  most  significant  information  in  order  to  convey  the  meaning  of  the  text  in  the  form  of  a  synopsis  or  an  abstract (semantic cutting down of the text in the form of a synopsis translation and an abstract).

Author Biography

N. A. Grishankova, Belarusian State University of Transport, Kirova str.,34, 246653, Gomel, the Republic of Belarus

Cand.Sc.(Philology), associate professor


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