Using nastran calculation complex for contact problem solution of improved round foundation


  • R. A. Timchenko State higher educational institution "Kryvyi Rih National University", str. Vitaliay Matusevicha, 11, 50027, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
  • D. A. Krishko State higher educational institution "Kryvyi Rih National University", str. Vitaliay Matusevicha, 11, 50027, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
  • A. V. Bogatynskiy State higher educational institution "Kryvyi Rih National University", str. Vitaliay Matusevicha, 11, 50027, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine


bearing capacity, non-uniform deformation of the base, round plate, PC NASTRAN


Annotation.  Goal.  For  the  purpose  of  determining  the  validity  of  the  hypothesis  of  the  mechanism  of  the  proposed  circular foundation decided to make a comparison of the results of his work obtained by the active experiment and mathe matical modeling. As a tool to perform this task, use spatial version of Nastran in-CAD software package that allows you to solve the problem by finite element  method.  Methods.  For  experimental  studies  used  a  simplified  model  of  the  proposed  foundation.  Inserts  made  of  low modulus  material,  in  the  slots  of  the  contact  surface  to  redistribute  stress,  which  is  especially  important  in  conditions  of  uneven deformable base. Another advantage of this design is the foundation of education arch effect between the support portions of the contact surface. The aim of the experiment was to optimize the active design parameters of the foundation slab. To investigat e the effect of these factors on the bearing capacity of the foundation: x1-  the ratio of module liner deformation and ground base K = E '/ E; x2-  the height of the cavities h, mm. The parameter optimization to maximize bearing capacity of the foundation was chosen. Results.  As a result, we can see the convergence of the results obtained with active experiment  and using mathematical modeling. Also, we can observe the elastic core area under the pads of the low modulus material. This confirms the hypothesis about the origin of the arch effect under the proposed foundation. As a result, when comparing the subsidence graphs obtained by different methods, confirmed  the  presence  of  self-regulation  effect  in  the  proposed  circular  foundation.  The  scientific  novelty  and  practical significance.  Painting under the strain finite element model proposed by the foundation indicates the presence of discharging arches and,  as  a  consequence  of  the  formation  of  the  arch  effect.  Research  subsidence  foundation  model  allows  us  to  speak  about  the confirmation of the occurrence of self-regulatory effect hypothesis.

Author Biographies

R. A. Timchenko, State higher educational institution "Kryvyi Rih National University", str. Vitaliay Matusevicha, 11, 50027, Kryvyi Rih

Dr.Sc.(Tech), Prof.

D. A. Krishko, State higher educational institution "Kryvyi Rih National University", str. Vitaliay Matusevicha, 11, 50027, Kryvyi Rih

Cand.Sc., senior lect.

A. V. Bogatynskiy, State higher educational institution "Kryvyi Rih National University", str. Vitaliay Matusevicha, 11, 50027, Kryvyi Rih

PhD student


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Computer systems and information technologies in education, science and management